Target: 'You' - Power, Control and Attacks
Educating yourself on what may be coming towards you and your family

It's not just in politics that the following occurs:
"There will always be bullies, on both sides of the political fence, because when people gain power, they find themselves tempted to use it to control and undermine and attack anything they don’t like. Especially if they’re feeling vengeful," wrote an editor recently at The Free Press.
I’ve said this so often to people over the years: You simply cannot trust certain people with power. It’s too big and difficult for them to responsibly control and use.
You can always tell when it is too much for them and overwhelming. It’s whenever they are triggered (whether they notice it or not), their favorite go-to move is to overtly use aggression or be covertly passive aggressive to control or punish people in unethical and-or immoral ways, whether they acknowledge it or not.
This goes for government, business, the workplace and personal relationships.
Some people’s character is shockingly just that bad — alarmingly weak — that they can’t control their worst selves when triggered. Their habit and behavior “DNA” is to resort to unnecessary, excessive power to flex on people when the moral imperative is to maturely, mutually, solve problems.
Respectable, honorable skills are just not part of their skill set and behavior pattern.
Of course, they don’t and won’t see it as wrongful behavior.
They succeed in doing rejecting what is objectively proper by cognitively twisting their thinking into a distorted rationalization to a point where they are able to convince themselves that their behavior is the reasonable action or reaction.
To end this article, let’s go back to the quote at the beginning: about when they have power of any kind with you. They “use it to control and undermine and attack anything they don’t like. Especially if they’re feeling vengeful.”
“Especially if they’re feeling vengeful” yet also when they don’t like something or you.
Remember it. Objectively, factually document the specifics of the behavior and the when and where. Protect yourself in many ways, as a practice of risk management, because these are dangerous people who prove very credible, believable and convincing to others to enable themselves to continue acting in dangerous and harmful ways towards others.
Guide for purchase
Halo and Horns Effect: Why It's Critical to Remember
Published February 26, 2025
In this guide, you will discover and learn what I wish I knew and understood decades ago and what I needed to and had to discover, learn and experience the hard, painful and suffering way, on multiple levels.
This is experience, wisdom, research and study being passed down.
The guide, concisely and precisely communicated, will introduce and explain the “Horn Effect” and the “Halo Effect” and what often happens with both and on different points on the spectrum. It will provide clarity and understanding for better decision making for troublesome situations.
You will be best informed and confident to mitigate the the Halo Effect person’s power over you as the unjustly-labeled “Horn” and learn how to mitigate or prevent accompanying damage, risks and pain.
Click Buy: $49
or if you have questions
This newsletter — Reputation Intelligence — is written by Michael Toebe, and is a product of Reputation Intelligence - Reputation Quality, a firm which helps individuals and organizations assure a greater peace of mind, provide stress relief through reliable decision analysis, consulting, advisory and communications.
Professional Analysis and Opinion — Consulting — Advisory
Reputation Communications — Defamation Response — Speaking Engagements